A special Thank You! To all of our donors that made this possible and changed lives for the Kingdom!
Mission Trip:
Caridad & Guayape Honduras Project
December 2024
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Thank you! Donors 2024
I would like to thank the families of the donors: Ball, Duarte, Briones, Torres, Contreras, Dominguez, SanJuana Ramirez, Rocha, Cid, Deleon, Hayne, Gwyuen, Marez, Gamez-Elam, Islas, Russo, Bellman, Hoover, Hoffman, Anderson, Tabora, Alanis, and anyone that we are forgeting to mention. This mission was accomplished as a team and Hope Honduras was able to see the mighty hand of God move, organize, and order every situation for His glory and honor. This was all done for the people of Honduras. During our mission we were able to make enduring connections with each individual family. We visited them at their homes and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a flame burning bright, and many gave their lives to Christ and rededicated themselves back to the Lord. The Holy Spirit gave us the boldness and power to witness. Glory to God in the highest! Thank you Lord! "I thank God for you and your passion for the vulnerable, widow, orphan, immigrant, & the prisoner." -Pastor Cristobal Torres.
brief Mission trip presentation
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Because you Believed.
Because you Gave.
Because you Prayed.
gospel witness
The Hope of Jesus Christ was shared with over 400 indiv. in Honduras
food provision
Over 320 indiv. received provisions
doctor consults
Over 300 indiv. received Doctor consult
medicine & med sup
Over 300 indivi. received meds & supply
Barber services
Adults, Teens, & children received haircuts!
biblical/Spiritual Counseling
Over 300 Indiv. received counseling
Thank you to everyone in Honduras who helped our Missionaries!
Hope Honduras would like to give a special thank you to everyone who helped with transportation, lodging, food, and so much more! This mission trip was only successful because you cared and helped when no one else would and for that God will recompense greatly! Thank you to the Families of the Contreras, Maldonado, Agurcia, Bonilla, and anyone that we are forgeting to mention. This mission was accomplished as a team and Hope Honduras was able to see the mighty hand of God move, organize, and order every situation for His glory and honor. This was all done for the beautiful people of Honduras. Thank you Lord!